Tagged with Stanley Kubrick

Movie trailers I wish were real…

Movie trailers I wish were real…

If ONLY these movies were coming to a theatre near me… 1. Riverdale: The Movie 2. The Sims Horror Movie 3. The Shining: The Comedy 4. Titanic 2 5. Minesweeper: The Movie HONOURABLE MENTION: Blue People

#FlashbackFriday “Is it about my cube?”

#FlashbackFriday “Is it about my cube?”

Upon finding out that FOX is considering an all-Simpsons network, I was reminded of my all-time favourite childhood show. Since The Simpsons is the same age as I am (the first episode debuted in 1989…you do the math) it’s impossible for me to imagine a world without America’s favourite nuclear family. Without its countless pop … Continue reading